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  • Listed buildings, and their setting, require a heritage statement in order to be policy compliant.

    This should identify assets, assess their significance, and then any potential effects of the proposed development on this significance.

    In line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), heritage statements should only be proportionate to the significance of the asset.

    A Heritage Statement for this would typically cost 750.00 GBP to 1,250.00 GBP.

  • Conservation areas are designated assets, and like listed buildings, require a heritage statement to assess their significance and the potential effects of development. This includes works to their setting.

    The significance of a conservation area lies in its special character and appearance. How your site contributes to this is an important consideration in any application.

    Not all Local Authorities take the same approach to conservation areas, with some considering private views (such as rear gardens) as equally contributory to public views (such as street views).

    A Heritage Statement for this would typically cost 750.00 GBP to 1,250.00 GBP.

  • As designated heritage assets, scheduled monuments require a heritage statement to asses any work that might affect their significance.

    Unlike Listed Building Consents, works directly within the boundaries of a scheduled monument require Scheduled Monument Consent. This goes directly to Historic England, rather than to the Local Authority.

    Works to the setting of scheduled monument may also require a heritage statement to assess how proposals may affect the legibility of its Special Interest.

    A Heritage Statement for this would typically cost 750 GBP to 1,250 GBP.

  • Non-Designated Heritage Assets, or NDHAs, are buildings or features of sufficient interest to warrant protection at a local, but not statutory, level. They are sometimes referred to as ‘locally listed’ buildings or ‘buildings of merit.’

    They are afforded similar protections in both national guidance and local policy, however, must be considered proportionately.

    To produce a heritage statement for a NDHA, we can offer a fixed fee of 650 GBP.

Please note that, due to conflict of interest, we cannot take on projects within the London Boroughs of Richmond or Wandsworth.